The Importance of Estate Planning
Putting together a comprehensive “Estate Plan” is one of the most important things that we can do during our lifetimes.
As Pittsburgh Will Attorneys, we realize that an effective estate plan will not only protect your loved ones, it can also provide you with a sense of security in knowing that you’ve put together a “blueprint” for those trusted individuals who you’ve designated and appointed to manage your affairs after your death.
Powers of Attorney to Managing your Affairs
Whether it’s preparing a Last Will and Testament that defines your post-death wishes and intentions, or the considered choice you must make to grant Power of Attorney to an individual to manage and handle your affairs in the event of either your physical or mental disability or incapacity. American Wills & Estates brings decades of personalized service and expertise to your family’s unique and specific needs.
Create a Trust for your Assets
You may also wish to consider creating a Trust that can clearly and legally allocate the passing of your assets after your death. A Trust that will be both properly funded and well defined. The work we do together in the Estate Planning process can help to simplify the management of your after-death affairs and can often completely avoid or, at a minimum, dramatically minimize the need for your heirs to engage in the Probate Estate Administration process.
The professional services that we offer and will provide on your behalf, will benefit and protect those individuals and loved ones who are most important to you.
Free Consultation
Please take a moment to learn more about how we can help you with your specific Estate Planning, Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney and Trust needs. Contact American Wills & Estates today for a free consultation toll-free at 412-381-7370 or by using our online inquiry form.